DATABASE c:\phreeqc\database\wateq4f.dat SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES; Tetra Tetra 0.0 Tetra 1.0 SOLUTION_SPECIES; Tetra = Tetra; log_k 0.0 SURFACE_MASTER_SPECIES; Sor Sor SURFACE_SPECIES Sor = Sor; log_k 0.0 Sor + Tetra = SorTetra; log_k -99.52 # log(Kf = 3) - log(m_Sor) # Stagnant water is half of mobile: for retardation = 3, reduce sorption by half. Sor + Tetra = SorTetra; log_k -99.82 # log(Kf = 1.5) - log(m_Sor) SOLUTION 1-101 # The sand and clay aquifer SOLUTION 102-202; -water 0.5 # for mcd, specify (relative) amounts of water, used to obtain the interface area for diffusion SURFACE 102-201 # Sorption in stagnant cells (clay layer) Sor 1e100 1 1 END SOLUTION 0; Na 1; Cl 1; Tetra 1 # The polluted water, must be neutral for diffusion of Cl- # Diffusion is calculated from mixing factors, use with -multi_D true; -stagnant 1 #1.55e-9 0.24 0.12 SELECTED_OUTPUT 1; -reset false; -file st.prn; -active true USER_PUNCH 1 10 sc$ = chr$(59) : nx = 100 20 for i = 1 to nx 30 mf = 0.953 40 punch eol$ + 'MIX ' + str$(i) + sc$ + str$(i) + str_f$(mf, 6, 3) + sc$ + str$(i + nx + 1) + str_f$(1 - mf, 6, 3) 50 next i END PRINT; -reset false SELECTED_OUTPUT 1; -active false INCLUDE$ st.prn USE mix none END TRANSPORT; -cells 100; -shifts 25 1; -timest 0.73e7 # 5 years pollution -length 10; -disp 10 # -stagnant 1 1.55e-9 0.24 0.12 # 1 stagnant layer, alpha, mobile por, immobile por -multi_d true 1e-9 1 0.05 1.0 false # por = 1, n = 1, together give tortuosity = 1 -implicit true 1.5 -stagnant 1 END SOLUTION 0 # Clean water enters TRANSPORT; -shifts 50 1 # 10 years cleaning -punch_fr 50 # punch/graph only 50th shift -punch 1-100 102-201 # punch mobile and stagnant cells USER_GRAPH 2 Option -stagnant... -headings CCl4 Cl CCl4_stag Cl_stag -axis_scale x_axis 0 1000 -axis_titles "Distance / m" "Concentration, mg/l" 10 x = dist 20 if cell_no < 101 then plot_xy x, tot("Tetra")*1e3 : plot_xy x, tot("Cl")*1e3 30 if cell_no > 101 then plot_xy 975, 0 : plot_xy 975, 0 : plot_xy x, tot("Tetra")*1e3 : plot_xy x, tot("Cl")*1e3 END